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I’m a tenured assistant professor in the department of biological psychology at the Vrije University in Amsterdam. Here you can find out about my education and work experience, my publications, and my contact.

My scientific and philosophical interests are vast. Some of these have aligned well with my academic work – and over time, they’ve shaped each other.

Right now, my research focuses on the malleability of cognition. I want to know the impact of certain experiences on the way we think and learn, and how much this depends on our different biological backgrounds. I look at experiences like playing video games, using educational tools, doing physical exercises, going to school, and growing up in wealth/poverty. I use genetic tools (like GWAS, polygenic scores, and twin designs) to correct for genetic confounders and estimate gene-environment interplay. But why does any of this research matter? Because it’s cool. And(!) because I believe future findings could spring new interventions and social programs. Helping people become smarter (a big deal given the importance of abstract reasoning, literacy, numeracy, attention, and working memory to the engines of modern societies and to the quality of our lives) as well as empowering democracies towards better equity (a big deal given that hundreds of millions suffer or benefit unfairly from the birth lottery: born with worse/better genes and in worse/better environments; factors that were out of our control and should be a smaller portion of our merit).

I also love teaching: to engage students in open discussions, encourage critical thinking, share a passion, and look at something in fresh new ways. It’s truly meaningful to hear from a student that I made a difference in their life. I believe in the uncontroversial view that teachers deserve better recognition, and in the controversial view that all academics ought to teach more. It is our reliable way to give back to society. (Because let’s be honest, we academics cannot always rely on getting useful research results.)

I consider myself privileged and lucky for the path I’ve traveled so far in my career, even though some parts were arduous. I’ve had some exceptionally inspiring professors, as well as research mentors who were smart, caring, and gave me lots of freedom. Plus, I work with amazing colleagues who make everything much, much more fun.

[Below you can check some of my favorite quotes that I’ve been collecting since college. There is something magical about a good quote by the right person in the right context. Like little time capsules of thought. Enjoy!]